6 astuces pour faire son 1er long métrage (sans budget !)

1/ Écrire un scénario avec ce que l'on a déjà

Got access to an amazing house? A cool garden? By the beach? Or just a simple apartment? Whatever you have, put them in your script. Locations can get expensive and usually require insurance. To avoid any location costs, start with where you can shoot your film. And remember, the same place can be used for various locations (for example you can shoot the hero’s kitchen and the bad guy’s office in the same house). So look around you and get inspired!

2/ Faire une liste de ses ressources

Have a dog or a cat that can do tricks? Whatever you have, write it down and put it in your script, then write around it! This will add production value to your film.

3/ Limiter le nombre d'acteurs et/ou de lieux de tournage

The more actors or locations you have, the more expensive it might get (unless you can find some generous people willing to work for free or let you use their location for free)

4/ N'écrivez pas plus de 100 pages

More pages=more shooting days. And beyond that, it is best practice for a first feature to not make it too long. You want to keep your audience interested, and if it is your first, you most likely will make a few mistakes, so keeping it short will likely be in your best interest. Nothing is worst than having a boring film.


Do not neglect the importance of pre-production and preparation, this will save you a LOT of precious time on set. Make a shot list, and a storyboard if you can, rehearse with your actors, and go on location scouts with your DP and Sound Person.

6/ Do Not forget about SOUND !!

Le son peut affecter l'impression que l'on a de la qualité d'un film, presque plus que l'image. Imaginez vous ne pas être capable d'entendre ce que les personnages se disent ? Cela va définitivement vous détacher du film. Et faire du ADR (remplacement de dialogue en post-production) donne rarement quelque chose qui sonne naturel, donc vous préférerez sûrement éviter de passer par la.

BONUS : si vous voulez éviter de la frustration, engagez un(e) scripte. Il n'y a rien de plus détestable que lorsque vous avez la prise parfaite, mais que vous ne pouvez pas l'utiliser à cause d'une faute de raccord.

And of course, before launching yourself into the amazing (but challenging) adventure of a feature film, don’t forget to practice your skills on short films!

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